Monday, September 29, 2008

Update Pt. 2

I felt that this was too funny not to share.

This is the email to my mother, MammaKav.... regarding my airport pick up time...

hey it's your darling daughter...........
I'll be arriving at 2 05 pm, your time tomorrow.
I like roses, but a welcome home bouquet of any type of flower will suffice.... I suppose. Except for carnations, what a hideous flower*...And please, this time... try to keep the banners to a minnimum. Nothing flashy or glittering... it's so embarassing.**I also accept diamonds as a welcome home present... as well as cash, cheque or money order...(just so you know)***

Also, I met this awesome troupe of happy people in the airport today while showing H. off..... I'm going to bring them home with me. They were dressed as indians and singing and dancing..... Hare Krishna.... heard of them? Please make up 5 extra beds for my new friends.... (joking).****
Can't WAIT to see you!!! The weather in Paris is gorgeous but I am SOO sick of dealing with their police officers.... long story, I'll tell you in the car. (no, I was not arrested)*****
Love you Muchos.

* The last time my parents got me flowers was my fifth grade play, Bye Bye Birdie. I have since gone to Europe twice and graduated two university degrees..... so this is unlikely
** Banners..... Slightly more unlikely than the flowers. Banners with glitter.... slightly more unlikely than hell freezing over.
*** If flowers and banners are unlikely..... then really.... must I make another analogy? I think not.
**** I think that this was her second biggest fear... me joining a cult. The first being me running off and getting married. Priorities.
***** Please see the third post from this one for further details

Last Day in Paris

Today is my last full day in Paris. I love this city. Even their Police men. I wish I had more time to write, and perhaps I will find that time in the airport tomorrow in the early hours of the morning, but until then you will have to suffice with a small update.


1. Complaint filed with the Metro people. It looks like I miiiiight just win this war. Cross your fingures for me. I will, however, have to keep batteling from my homeland. Which I will.

2. I will also keep battleing with my travel insurance company over the fate of my North American Cell phone and Camera which were broken enroute to Florence*

3. The third front continues between me and my North American Phone company who feel that I owe them 600 DOLLARS....... Ya. Right. It's not my fault that their shitty phone call out bound, and I am unaware because the LCD cracked.... which is also not my fault, seeing as it has sat either on a table or in a protected case for the past 7 months.

* It's a complete lie. My phone did not break en route to Florence..... I'm jsut claiming it because it DID break on my travels, although I have no idea how and I paid them a rediculous amount of money, and they have stupid rules like claiming within 24 hours... so I just claimed it as the same time as my camera.

This three front war is going to leave me exhausted and more cynical that I started, which is a shame.... because I need to start interviewing for jobs and what not.

In other news, H. and I had a lovely meal last night for our last official night in Paris together... she left this morning. I admitted that I have already started to miss ManFriend, in a sad and pathetique (on my side) and unexpected turn of events. I wonder if he misses me too... I wonder this because I am female and it is an innate and expected currisosity, No?

It's so strange to have someone go from being such a large part of your life to being almost non-existant.... which is what distance and a broken cell phone do to you.....

After I bored her with that conversation long enough, we talked about our pathetic lack of prospects back in the big Canada. There are none. Zip. Ziltch. Notta.

So, back to blogging about politics and unemployment for me..... You think I was bitter before? Baby, you ain't seen nothing yet....


P.S. Spell check does not work for whatever reason... so you all get to see what a truly and incredibly crap speller I am...... Je suis Desole.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dear Paris... Love you... Love your ambience... Love your Style... Hate your Metro Police

I am absolutely enraged, which is generally the only reason that I would be sitting in the business centre of a hotel, at 1 am writing on my blog instead of in my comfy comfy king size bed.

The complimentary slippers are a slight consolation though.

Tonight was girls night out in Paris. H. and I met up with a friend of mine from Switzerland... well, she's actually an American in Switzerland, now transplanted to Paris... We shall name her.... American Transplant.* So, H. and I met up with American Transplant and one of her friends right downtown at a beautiful spot overlooking the Eiffle Tower for some drinks and then dinner.

Drinks were had** and food was enjoyed, as were the company and conversation. I always enjoy being around American Transplant... she's one of the most grounded and sensible people I know that still manages to get every last drop out of life. It's rejuvinating.***

We decide to go on to the lively Latin Quarter to show H. the sights and sounds of the city. I was also excited because while I have been in Paris often, and often claim that it feeds my soul (in a slighty melodramatic way)... I've never been able to see the arts and festivities that the Latin Quarter is so famous for.

We get to the Metro stop and start souring for metro ticket vendors. There are none at this particular stop, so American Transplant and her equally petite friend go in together. Luckily, H. and I have our own extra tickets, because being giants and all... we would have a tough time fitting through together.

Now here's the obnoxious part. American Transplant & Co. get stopped by the Metro Police. OK...OK.... I mean, there were no ...and I mean NO obvious vending points, so clearly they were supposed to walk to the next Metro stop to get the appropriate ticketage... Sure, whatever.... but THEN....

Then as I'm walking through my ticket doesn't work. My bad, they all look the same to me, and I don't just throw them on the gournd, once used, like everyone else because I've been swiss-if-ied... so I ask H. to pass me another one from my purse, since we bought like a thousand. I play a game of trial and error with the machine, and finally I win and it lets me through.

My prize, you ask?

A 50 Euro fine from the ticket agent. Why? Because apparently I used an old ticket.

Umm. No. I didn't. I used a new ticket. Which is why he was able to fine me on the other side of the gate, because it let me through. Because it was a new ticket. Because you can't reuse old ones.****

Now, you see I had the great misfortune of being raised by several strong Irish women. If I'm wrong, I'll take my lumps, but if I'm right... I'm right, and you'll take yours.

So I may have yelled and made a small scene, which he quickly ushered to the side. He threatened to call the police, and it was CLEAR that I was contemplating it. But, at the end of the day, I wanted to get on with our night. American Transplant fronted me the cash, since at this point I'm all MasterCard or bust.

Naturally, I left him with the ominous threat of submitting a complaint and asking for his badge number. Once back at the hotel, I spoke to the concierge. He told me that I should have had the police come and that those silly little Metro Rent-A-Cops are known for harassing tourists and that they give all french people a bad name.

Honestly, I wouldn't go thhhat far... but it clearly could have been all settled if he has just LISTENED to me. But he didn't, so tomorrow I go to the police Dept to file a complaint. I will get you Mr. Badge number 5143*****.... I will get you.

I am, however, happy to report that the Latin Quarter did not disappoint. Besides the fire throwing Gypsies by Notre Dame, my favorite would have to be the 8 piece band of random rag tag boys....... two trombones, two drums, 1 clarinet, 1 trumpet, a sax and a TUBA! Not only did they play, but they danced as they played.... The talent abounded and we ended up watching them for like 5 songs because it was just THAT hard to walk away. It's kind of like one of them rolled out of bed and said "Shit, I got stuck playing the trombone in the highschool band.... easily the least sexy instrument....what am I going to do..." So he called the guy with the Tuba (the only guy in the band with worse sexy-insturment troubles than him) and they decided to start a busking group. And I thank God that they did. Made my night.

Well, I hope that this post was less confused and messy like the last 5... travelling just kills my focus. You understand, right?
No, of course you don't.
I'll do better next week. I swear.


*If you'd prefer, I can go back and rename you Princess Devine...?
** Kirch Chamapagne.... cherry cream champanage... Ammmmazing.
*** I'm not just sucking up because she reads my blog and I'm staying at her house in a few nights...I swear
**** I recognize the ciruclar logic here, but he clearly couln't understand me so I just wanted to doubley make sure everyone else did.
***** NOT his real badge number...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back Under the Tuscan Sun

I love Tuscany! Just love it. I was born to live and breath the Tuscan air.

People are already giving me the death stare for being on the computer for so long.... but I have been so hungover all day that this is a massive accomplishment to even make it this far... So they can bite me.

Plus, we're leaving as soon as H. gets back from her solo bike tour. I don't share roadways with Italian drivers....

Yesterday, H. and I found a little restaurant in this side alley and quickly struck up a friendship with our waitor.... also, the owner as it turned out. We mentioned that we wanted to go to a vineyard and do a wine tasting thing.... so instead of mentioning that he, in fact owns a vineyard.... he invites us back to the restaurant that evening to go through the wine cellar and have a tasting of our own.

What he meant was.... come to my retaurant, eat dinner, and I will just keep opening bottles of my own wine from my own vineyard and putting them on the table. OK.

Next thing we know, it's just us and the owner, E., a few servers, and a buyer for gucci from Japan* left in the restaurant. 6 people walk in and suddenly everyone is lively and preparing. These 6 people are apparently a big deal. BIG.

Turns out they are Italian movie stars. I still have no idea who they are or in what they performed, and to be honest, I don't really care. But it was cool none the less. After they left, we all headed to the Irish pub.

If 5 bottles of wine wasn't the first mistake, then having a guiness after WAS.

H. was sleepy so I took her back home, but E. The restaurant owner was all insitant on taking me up to some piazza. H. didn't think that it was a good idea.

I don't seem to see the problem with jumping on the back of a vespa, driven by a man I don't know and going to an unknown location in a forgien country.... So, I did what any girl would do in my situation, I lied to H. and told her I wasn't going and once she was in bed, I strapped on a helmet and ran out the door.

Turns out I'll take you this romantic piazza is double speak for: lets go back to the restaurant.

He gave me a tour of the kitchen.... because I don't care.... and then took me to the wine cellar. OK, I may have been drunk and made several bad decisions up until this point but I think we can all agree that E. had a little wine cellar nookie in mind.

I did not.

He tired to kiss me.... and I mean tried because I don't conisder a tounge jetting out at you anything more than a mere attempt.

In life I have found that the easiest way to get control of a situation is to act like you already have it. So, I took a step back, turned around and grabbed two bottles of wine from his cellar.... and then said: 'Yes, these two will do lovely as presents.... Thanks a lot!' And I put on my helmet and walked to the door.

It was a risky move.... but it worked. I don't recomend trying it at home kids.

I was back at my hostel (Academy in hostel ever) within 20 minutes and on the phone with Man Friend as he left for work and I went to bed.

* I totally checked his labels.... like while he was still wearing his clothes. Nothing spectacular.

Disclaimer: Although I did something rediculously stupid, if you want blog priveledges, you can not lecture me ..... Mom.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Tuscana... Where my Heart is...

I'm back in Tuscany... finally. I was born to live under the Tuscan sun.... I learned this about 4 months ago while camping on the beach in PuntAla for two weeks.

I am not a camper. My hair does not agree with the hair dryer-less ways of camping and campers.... but I loved it. I decided then and there that I could live in a trailer by the beach in Tuscany for the rest of my life.

Also very unlike me.

I also called my mother and immediately informed her that I was foregoing her Grandchildren and using the disposable income to purchase a Tuscan villa which she will then be allowed to use and housesit like a giant, non baby gross, non diaper wearing grandchild.

That IS very like me.

In OTHER news, is going to be interviewing me. I'm begining to suspect that this blog of the day and subsequent interview are not as special as I originially thought.... however I am going to keep that information away from my id. Ego and Super Ego push it around enough already.... my Id needs some hope to hang on to.

Also, before I go.... (there is always a huge wait for computers at this place and I hate... HATE european keyboards so don't expect many posts for the rest of the week)...

Someone noticed... OK a few people noticed that I have yet to make a clear and concise comment on PALIN.


Brace yourself.

I like her. She is a frickin' firecracker. The woman knows how to crash a party and then throw down her own soundtrack and start rocking out again... you know?

And anyone who calls herself a hockey mom has any Canadians attention.

That being said........ I don't agree with a damned thing she stands for or supports.

Therefore I don't support her as a politician or the next VP of the USA.... because while you might like someones spirit.... that is NOT a good reason to vote for them.

And I will also say this.... While I recognize that Evolution is a THEORY, and thus can never be proven.....

Creationists are stupid.

For proof:

OK I cant find the Youtube video where they say that big trees are not just small trees all grown up but rather have always been big trees, and that little trees dont grow into big trees, instead god makes them in different sizes and they remain that size....

But I will when i have my laptop back.... and you wont be sorry. update: my laptop, camera and cellphone are all now broken. Next stop ...Travel insurance claim.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sittin' in Italia

What I forgot to mention in the last post is that all greek cab drivers are trying to kill H. and I.

They seriously want us to die via a high speend game of chicken with the Greek Equivalent of a MAC truck... Mu Alpha Chi???

Miraculously we made it to our ferry, on time and without spilling any blood. I am still a bit foggy as to how this was achieved, but it was, and therefore I am satisfied.

The ferry was a frickin cruise ship with a disco and food and a movie theater and a casino. We ordered a bottle of wine and got cozy with our books after watching BAYWATCH and 90210 reruns...

Things you didn't think that you'd be doing in the Adriatic sea...

So there we were, totally emmersed in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants when some Australian guys came up and started chit chatting. They all work in the UK and bought a crap ass van to drive around Europe. The next morning, they offered us a ride into town in said crap ass van.

They weren't lying.... it smelled of crap ass... or frat boys... or boys in general.


Infact, I think the Van was instrumental in the OBVIOUS profiling that accompanies 5 20 somethings in a crap ass hippy van as we were pulled over by Italian authorities and instructed that the drug dogs were going to sniff through our stuff.

I wasn't worried because I know that H. and I don't have any... but then it hit me. What if these guys that we JUST

Afterall, they ARE driving a crap ass hippey van.


We never got a chance to find out... H. and I got out of the van as instructed and smiled and chatted about being Canadian and they let us go immediately, after we assured them that we were not on our way to Amsterdam.

This situation put the hamster in my head on overdrive and I came up with a top 5 list...

What NOT to say to a Customs Official after he asks if you have any drugs on you or in your vehicle.

5. I don't, but he might.

4. No, sir. I smoked it earlier... Know where I can find a Pizza hut?

3. Marijuana? No. But I have some cocaine if you'd like...

2. Is that illegal here or somethin? What if I have glaucoma... you know... hypothetically.

1. No, sir. But, do you know where I could buy some??

................ Bad hamster! Bad!

Ciao for now!


Friday, September 19, 2008

Back in the not-so-dingy Dingy Gamer Internet Cafe

OK. So by now you're all wondering what has been going on... aren't you. C'mon admit it. Alright, so you're probably just bored at work and hoping that there's something new to pass the time with....

Well... THERE IS!

We'll start from the beginning so as to not miss anything, shall we? Yes... the conclusion of the Tido saga IS included.

H. and I left le Suisse in order to begin our magnificent, wonderful, amazing adventure early on Monday morning... and by early... I mean around noonish. We made our way to Milan, Italy where we were staying for a night before catching a flight to Greece.

My Milanese friend, Davide picked us up and took us to an amazing dinner. That we slightly couldn't afford. Hot Milanese Highrollers sometimes forget about the little guy and their little purses... but my big big pride forced me to pay the whole bill anyway.... after all he did host me for an entire weekend and take amazing care of me and my stomach. "You write? No NO.... You sit... You Write... I cook, I do everything... You... You relax" O-frickin'-K.

The following morning we were conned (read: easily convinced) to take a taxi ALL THE WAY TO THE AIRPORT IN ANOTHER TOWN.... because we were late. Do you want to know why we were late? Because the cab took a HALF hour to get there. Our Asian-Italian hostel guy knew like two words in English... "one moment...." So, we thought.... hey.... one moment.

We thought wrong.

Finally, we got to the airport, boarded the plane and I immediately began to sleep. Anytime I'm on any moving apparatus or machine, I fall asleep. I call it car-calepsy. It serves a higher function than passing the time though... it keeps me from the EXTREME motion sickness that would otherwise ensue.

I was abruptly and rudely woken up to a man getting very defensive with a very passive stewardess that was doing her best to seem confident and stern. I was really rooting for her... Then I found out why they were arguing.

This guy, we shall name him 'Class-A Idiot' felt that two hours was too much to go without a smoke, and lit up in the bathroom. The bathroom right behind me. Now, forget about all the gaseous materials pressurized in the holding tank of a GIANT tin tube.... forget about the spark caused by a) lighting the cigarette) and then by b) extinguishing the cigarette... IN the holding tank via flushing... Did you know that if someone lights up in an airplane... BY LAW if they don't find the cigarette butt, they have to LAND the plane?

He almost ruined my Athenian adventure. Did I also mention that he had "SKINHEAD" tattooed on the side of his neck?
Well I am now.
Someone should have stayed home in his trailer park and let the rest of us live our lives peacefully... he truly is an asshat of the worst kind. I hope he gets gonorrhea.

Finally, we landed and hustled to the hostel. Tido* was waiting to meet us in the center of Athens so we only had about an hour to get changed and look half decent. We get there and are greeted by huge hugs and kisses.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I didn't feel a damn thing. No butterflies... no happy giddiness. Nothing.

We went for food and I immediately ordered a garlic ridden Gyros without a second thought. With extra onions. H. wasn't super impressed either.

That night we went to his friends place and had a great dinner party over amazing Greek dishes that I have now learned to make. (Yippee... themed dinner parties in my future... I'm thinking toga party meets respectable 20-something attempt to be a 30-something dinner party....)

The next day we headed to the coast with Tido in tow. He is REALLY American.... and 22... and male. Once at our hotel, he immediately got into a fight with the owner of the hotel as we were attempting to sneak him into our room without paying, also known as "gate crashing."

Hotelier: " excuse me sir.. who are you going to see?"
Tido with excess baggage: "A friend"
Hotelier: "What's your friends name?"
Tido: "He's just my friend"

Oh the shame of being with a bad liar. Note to everyone: being Vague does NOT make it a good lie. If you're asked a specific question, be specific, but stay as close to the truth as not being in trouble with allow.

I intervened and this was the story that ensued: Tido met us while traveling in Athens, he meant to come to the coast but his friends bailed (all true.... left out: I knew him before we met in Athens). We had invited him for dinner and he was helping us with our bags (also all true... except that when he offered to help H. with her bag, he saw a daunting number of stairs ahead of him and proclaimed that the 23 kilo backpack would be easier for her to carry, and he'd take his own heavy 15 kilo bag on wheels.) We were unsure if he was staying the night, but would gladly let them know and pay the extra fee (we did and we did). So at the end of the whole explanation, the only out right lie that I told was that we were unsure if he was going to stay the night.... and even that is a half lie because quite frankly, it was an amazing possibility that he would find a new girl to stay with.** Afterall, as it turns out... he WAS voted "Sluttiest Guy" at his former university.... seriously.

At least that would have been a possibility if we weren't staying at the Holiday version of a Retirement community. Our last night there, after Tido had gone*** we went and had desert in the restaurant. An old Greek man came up to us and kept talking in Greek. I had a confused look on my face and kept shrugging my shoulders while smiling, the international symbol for: "I'm sorry, i don't know what you're saying" but he continued "blahpolous blahpolous blahpolous ****" From his sign language attempts, H. and I gathered that he either wanted to pay our bill or wanted my autograph. This has been known to happen when I wear grubby over sized clothes and am 15 pounds lighter with big sunglasses on... sometimes... just sometimes... I get mistaken for Lindsay Lohan by REALLY stupid people. But he was like 80 something so I doubt that was the case.

Also noteworthy, there are hardly any redheads in Greece. Occasionally I will see a chick with the "I used a sun-in bottle left over from the 90's and it made my hair this coppery color (and texture)" but not any real or real looking reds... interesting. Very interesting.

Anywhoo...we're off to take a cruise to Italy. Hope your desk job is ergonomically sound and enjoyable! Peace out.


* I had previously stated that the pseudonym, Tido was NOT indicative of the actual guy. But he DID keep telling people that he was Mexican so as it turns out... it is. (he's a rich white kid from northern California who knows enough Spanish to string together a good cheers but that's about it)

**At the end of the day, Tido was like the brother in Law of Anne in the book Persuasion by one, miss Jane Austen. He was ADD to a fault with other people. He couldn't makeup his mind about even following through on a proclamation made moments ago, and he fell in love more times than I care to count in 24 hours. I'd rather Mr. Darcy...calm and intensely focused in life (preferably focused on a non stalker way)

***He's still a really nice kid, and H. and I have decided to adopt him as a little brother and teach him the ways.

**** This is my version of blabh blah blah blah in Greek

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'd Like to Thank The Academy...

A few days ago I in the "limelight" on

At least this is how I understand it. I'm sitting in a dingy little* internet cafe in Greece right now, and for some reason my ability to comprehend simple sentences goes down significantly after inhaling second hand smoke while surrounded by gaming greek youth...

"You sit here. You wait.... we make computer on for you. It be good.

.. No...No... I say wait."

Just a wierd thing I have.

We leave via cruise ship tomorrow to Italy... which H. and I are full heartedly looking forward to.

I would love love LOVE to update you on the Tido saga, unfortunately I can't right now. **

* It's not dingy. In fact it might be the nicest internet cafe that I've ever been in.....

** He's playing against the gaming youth beside me.

More to follow tomorrow.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Last Day as a Citizen of Europe

This is my last weekend/day residing in Europe. That must be the saddest sentence that I've ever written. I suspect that I will have to come back, sooner rather than later. I love the lifestyle here and the fact that driving for four hours puts me in the capital of a different country...Not the outskirts of the capital of my country.

Dear Canada: You are too big, but I love you anyway.

After signing out of the country, I'm off to Milan, Greece, back to Italy (up through the coast) and then off to Paris for a five day stay before jet setting back to my own continent. Gee, my life is tough.

This past weekend was an OK farewell, which I think that I like better than the fireworks and charades of an over the top good bye. Friday night I had a Good-bye dinner with some friends. This dinner has been the bane of my existence for the last few weeks. I invited some people over for drinks and some food (and hopefully some nice conversation.... possibly even flattery about how much I will be missed), but instead I got weeks of grief over the guest list, friends quarreling, ME quarreling and at the end of the day I was almost tempted to call the whole thing off.
Which is stupid, because I'm leaving. And I should get to see my friends and enjoy their company one last time. In the end it all worked out with an American, Four Canadians, A swiss miss and a South African in attendance. Wine and champagne was had in a big big way and it was perfect. It was the perfect way to say good-bye, with a group of friends chatting, having fun. I miss them all already.

The next day we went to a city on the other side of the country.

Back story: H met a cute boy on the train... facebook stalking ensued and we mentioned that we would be in his town on Saturday. He offered lunch and a tour (exactly what we had planned for him to ask) and we said "SURE."

So we went by train, for a few hours to meet him in the rain and cold. He was really amazingly nice. For some reason, I always expect that my friends are going to date total losers or jerks... probably because most of the time, they do. *sorry, you know it's true*

He took us around the town and to the Olympic Museum.

I could care LESS about the Olympics. I didn't even watch them this year. I'm all for the idea of building mutual respect and a peace platform through international sport and competition, but I just dont care about mens gymnastics, or womens gymnastics for that matter.

H. loved it though.

At the end of our day, he gave us the obligatory three kisses from cheek to cheek to cheek and we parted ways.

I suspect H. will definitely be keeping in touch with this one. One of the reasons that we are such friends is that we both appreciate a good dating story..... or a good date. And an international "date for three" fits both categories quite snuggly.

Today, I'm finishing packing and probably spending the better part of the day reminiscing and lamenting about my time here. I wouldn't expect anything chipper from me for a while... although a 4 start hotel in Greece with Tido is NOT something to simply deign for.



One of my readers has a problem.... a conundrum of sorts, really.

Anonymous writes:

You and your queer pal are riotous. You, with your fleeting moments of "genius" are about as useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker -with the one exception: divertissement.

Suggested Solution: Stop Reading It.

Hope that helps!


Friday, September 12, 2008

Purple Jacket Magpie

Purple Jacket Magpie

I just finished booking my trips through Greece, Italy and Paris... I've some how managed to pull a few luxury hotels in to the mix and I'm still scratching my head as to how I pulled it off but I did and I'm really excited about it.

H. and I start our 3 week adventure in about 4 days, and we're both pretty excited about the prospects. Anyway, I will be updating at least once a week, so fret not.

I'm going to use today to address a comment, since I'm not doing anything adventurous but packing up my apartment, which you completely do not want to hear about. So boring, and the little dramas that occur in packing up your life are too aggravating to recount.

A few days ago, Geek In The Pink wrote:

First of all, I am not going to respond to the anonymous coward who thinks you should stick to "what you are good at", as it would be a waste of typing.

Second, I am very interested in your political stance. When i say interested I mean that in a positive way. So you answered my question very well. You are obviously a democrat when discussing the United States, but I am having trouble figuring out which Canadian political party you support. I've always been a supporter of the PC party, however lately I have found myself leaning more as a liberal (provincially). Don't get me wrong, I will not vote for Dion because of his obvious incompetence. I think Harper has done an excellent job in some of the areas of Canada, but do you not agree that Harper has taken a larger interest in the events occurring in the middle east? Whether you call them peacekeepers or soldiers of war, they are still there fighting. By glorifying a name only masks the situation, it does not improve it.

There is not much use of discussing NDP or Green Party because NDP has never worked in Canada (at least not lately) and Green Party is just a recycled conservative party.

1. Thanks. I find that person to be utterly obnoxious as well.

2. I'm a card carrying Liberal, but I vote on issues, not people or parties. The Liberal ideology tends to coincide with my stance on the issues. I do, however, find Dion to be a whiny prat some times. It's like loving a certain restaurant but all of a sudden the waitstaff are total incompetent jerks.... I'm so torn.
I also believe in a multi party system, and if the majority don't agree with me, that means that our system is doing it's job. So long as everyone understands that I am always right and somewhat of a supreme genius (That was a joke.... for those of you who are thinking to call me arrogant again**)

3. Let me preface this answer quickly: I believe in the military, and I support them. I am so happy to have brave men and women willing to die for my freedom, because let's face it... I'm obviously not going to die for it myself. In fact, I support them so much that I think it's ludicrous to see them lose their lives while fighting a war on the ground that does not match up with the war being fought in the international political arena.
Canada has always had a vested interest in Peace and Peace processes in Afghanistan. CIDA was on the ground for years before this mess, they were only pulled out when the USA decided to go in. And, they were doing a good job.
Harper is involved because he's a typical man and he likes to fix things. I don't know that he's spent too much time and effort over there. I think his thinking is in the right place ... we're never going to be able to pull our troops out ahead of the USA (despite the fact that we're now front line on someone else's war because they chose to fight another another country).
Harper reminds me of my father.... sadly. If you have to do a job that you don't really want to do.... get it done quicker, and faster and better than everyone else. Be an asshole to deal with, but be the asshole that gets it all done.
I'd love to see more diplomacy, but to be honest, I know one of the CIDA members who had been on the ground in Afghanistan and diplomacy only works if two parties are willing to be diplomatic. Harper can't reach out the olive branch himself, he'd have to do it on behalf of the United States as a neutral third party negotiator. But he's not neutral...and we can't be because we rely on the United States. We're not powerful or rich enough to be neutral on anything. I'd love to see some more CIDA involvement and education programs in the rural parts of Afghanistan... because do you know what happens when hordes of young boys are forced into idle displacement camps (by Western troops) for their own safety? They get bored. Do you know what happens when a bored teen aged boy gets a gun and someone preaching ideology to him? Ya, here we call it gang warfare.... there we call it terrorist training.
Does Harper neglect domestic affairs in favor of international? Yes. Is it impossible to balance them equally? I'd say Yes again, but some Trudeau supporters may have a different mind frame.

4. I love that the NDP is our third party. They keep our domestic and social agendas in check. I feel that their minimal status is what keeps Canada great. Would I ever want to see them rule the roost? No. But they are a good way to swing your vote if you feel like either of the other fore runners are getting too many seats and aren't focusing on domestic problems.

5. You think the Green Party is useless? Look up our Humanist party. Sorry Jayz. But isn't it nice to know that someone cares if you have enough water to drink in 30 years? I know I like water....and being hydrated. Think of how life threatening keg parties would be if you didn't have enough water to replenish your H20 the next day during a wretched Hangover....

**Did you know that 50% of things said in jest are actually true?***

*** Did you know that 50% of statistics are made up?

Thanks for the comment, I hope I hit the points you were asking... I'm kind of a tangent seeker.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

I commented

OK I do have a post, a very long and thought out post that I wanted to post today in response to a comment.

However, but it's Sept 11th, and I think that the politics of war should be reserved for another day. Like tomorrow, so check back then.

A tragedy is a tragedy no matter your political affiliation.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jane Austen .... Oh How She Speaks to Me

Jane Austen was the literary genius who steals my heart and soul with every romantic turn, gesture and utterance of her suave and intense characters. i love her and she speaks to me. I think that she speaks to a lot of women.

Jane Austen harnesses the incredibly delicate balance between desired independence, and the cohabitation of feminine independence in all of it's unbridled furry. Women often find the two to be mutually exclusive, which is why we constantly have inner battles about probabilities and possibilities between career, and romance.... and the ever eternal debate on soul mates. Jane figured it out, way back in the 19th century.

She loved and lost, and was termed an old spinster for her older years. For me, she is my muse. A goddess divine that society restricted from the only man who would and could have her without extinguishing her, so she chose to live on and inspire her minions for centuries to come. And for that, I thank her.

That being said, I have read and re-read many a Jane Austen book. Except for Persuasion. That one seems to be elusive to me. Perhaps I'll purchase and pack for Greece. Anyway, H. brought a book by SHANNON HALE called AUSTENLAND. Bigupps Shannon, this book rocked my socks for the entire 24 hours that it took me to read it, while balancing a full time job, a house guest and personal hygiene.

H said that this book reminded her of me. The main character, obsessed with the thoughts of Mr. Darcy (our charming hero, notably the love of kira knightley in the movie adaptation of Pride and Prejudice).... She's convinced that there's no man as intense and wonderful as him in real life, and resorts back to her DVD player constantly to renew her faith that he is alive, even if it is only as a character, in a movie box, played by Colin Firth.

Main character you ask? Her name is Jane.

She's then whisked away to a 19th century wonderland to find or get over her Mr Darcy love forever.

Go out, and buy this book NOW. I'm serious, do it. I wont ruin the end for you, but I will say this: Jane Austen always stated that her characters would, in the end, receive their hearts desire.... Hale sees that this is true for her character as well.

After I finished reading, I smiled for 4 hours straight, re-lived the parts of majesty and started to plot my wait for my own intense and perfect Mr. Darcy.... because sometimes a good book has that effect on me, and I love it.

H. has decided that she needs to re-read it because it made me so giddy.

Dear Shannon Hale,

You will never read this, but just so you know, you now rank as a "literary goddess divine" in my book. Thank you for lending me your imagination for 24 short and amazing hours.


P.S. Geek In The Pink... I haven't forgotten about you. However, swooning and political rantings ARE very much mutually exclusive, give me until tomorrow, will ya?
P.P.S. Jason Mraz song.... interesting pseudonym.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

And In The Red Corner...

I JUST received this comment:

"So there I am, fishing for more, when he says: "Don't worry, you'll find lots of idiots like me in your life..." He's right. I will. But for now, he's one of my favorite idiots."

Wow. I thought you were really smart, but what I'm finding is you are just really arrogant. I'd stick to what you're good at unless your goal is to be an "old maid." I wonder how Man Friend would feel if he read this. Then again, maybe he has and enjoys being belittled.

1. Thanks for thinking that I was really smart. I appreciate that, although I generally deal in opinions, which are pretty much fair game.

2. Ummmm...ya. Sometimes I am arrogant, *and as an aside, when did being really smart and being arrogant become mutually exclusive? But this is not one of those times. This is me being realistic. And realistically speaking, I will meet more men in my lifetime, just as he will go on to meet more women in his lifetime (in fact he never really stopped... nor did I... and if this bothers you, then you should read Man Friend pt 1. Where I describe the nature of our relationship.) I get to spend one more week with Man Friend, which I'm happy about. He's an amazing person and I'm glad I met him. Am I going to pine over the inevitable? No. I'm not. And neither is he.

3. Old Maid? Last time I checked, this was the twenty first century, Lady. (I assume you're a chick).... If I want to grow old on my own, I will, and I can. Perhaps you need someone to define yourself on this earth, but I think I do a pretty good job of defining myself without a man. Sooo uhhh ya. Basically, I'm not marrying this guy no matter what kind of ominous threats about being old and alone and "maid" like you throw my way. (And I think he's probably pretty happy about that too).

4. Man Friend is really into respecting my privacy. So, even if he had read it, I highly doubt that he would comment on it to me.
Also, seeing as he was THERE for the conversation, I'm betting my bottom dollar that he wouldn't be upset that I'm "belittling him" seeing as he wasn't when I said it to his face.
Also, he's almost 40, so I'm guessing he's already figured out that sometimes people come in and out of our lives, and no matter how much we truly enjoy them, it's not the end of the world if they move back to their little corner of the world.

5. In summation, you're kind of an asshat. Either I know you, and you're using an anonymous forum on my blog to leave a public passive aggressive message, or you're just a very sad little person that likes to make judgments on people without knowing the full context of someones conversation or greater relationship. Either way, you're a douche.

I like to respond to comments, good or bad. But I'd like to state now, for the record, that if you comment on my blog, I retain the right to re-post it and call you whatever names I like.

P.S. I know boys hella better than I know Politics...


Friday, September 5, 2008

I went missing.... I'm sorry

Yes, I went missing while the Republican Convention was starting up. I'm sorry. And we will get to that. Perhaps I should subtitle this post.... Here goes:

Man Friend and Co.

Man Friend and I have managed to hang on to the last few weeks of things, via me being a giant bitch and demanding it. Here's the thing ladies... Men aren't mind readers, sometimes you have to tell them up front what you want and how you want them to deliver. Aka: "I'm here for one more week and I want you to be a part of it.... No No... That wasn't a question. Just a statement."

It worked. We're all hunkey dorey... at least until he realizes that it's soon a matter of days before I'm gone, rather than the matter of weeks...

A few nights ago, he cleared time in his busy schedule to come over and take care of me. I've been sick forever, it seems. He told me that I've been the only one for a while now, which might have been the nicest thing he's ever said to me. Man Friend isn't really into complimenting, and for some reason, I'm OK with that most days... until he gives me one, and then I'm like a chocoholic at Jenny Craig... I need more....

So there I am, fishing for more, when he says: "Don't worry, you'll find lots of idiots like me in your life..." He's right. I will. But for now, he's one of my favorite idiots.

In fact, I already have. Way back in February, I think about a week after I met Man Friend to begin with, I met this American Boy...we will call himmmm..... Tido.* So, I showed Tido around my city. He was three months into a year long tour around the world, and started with Europe. The first thing I did? I took him for a good old American Burger at an Irish pub. Totally the opposite of what my city is all about, but he loved it. We talked politics over beer**. There was definitely a connection of some kind, but he only had 7 hours in my city before his train left, so it was ill-fated and not even attempted. (At least by me... he tried to get off the train and stay for a few more days... which I had to nix).

Anyway, He emailed me in July and asked if I could meet him in Greece for a weekend at the end of his trip. I immediately called my friend, H. And told her that we were going to Greece while she was here. She didn't have that much of a problem with it.... strange... I just don't say no to first dates in Greece. It's a personal philosophy of mine.

So, Tido and I are meeting in Greece on the 16th for four days... to see "if there's anything there". Unless something unseemly happens.... see: An affair to remember. Sad movie.


I recently received a comment on a previous post, from Geek in Pink.*** Which I will address right now. Geek in Pink writes:

Interesting post. What is your position on Harper's relationship with Bush? Also, do you think that if Obama is elected that it will effect the outcome of Canada's election?

1. Thank you! Although "interesting" is one of those terms that you can use to describe something as ridiculous and useless without actually coming out and saying it.... buttering me up with compliments is always a good strategy, just for future reference.

2. My position on Harper's Relationship with Bush: My first inclination is to say: "What relationship?" Ever since Bush shafted Canada by breaking protocol and visiting Mexico first, we haven't really been all that into him. (That's not true... Canadians have ALWAYS thought he was a douche). Harper has definitely entertained Bush the way that is undoubtedly expected in terms of a Canadian Prime Minister entertaining the president of the United States, but I would not venture to say that he has a "special relationship" with Bush beyond that.

Harper is definitely not Tony Blair, who was in Bush's back pocket, and he's also not Gordon Brown who has made it his utmost goal to NOT be in Bush's pocket.

In my personal opinion, Harper probably views their relationship the same way most Canadians do: Like that annoying aunt or uncle that you are required to invite to Christmas dinner. Sure, they give you a few hundred cash as a Christmas present, which you enjoy, but sometimes you really wonder if it's worth the nuance of having to listen to constant criticisms about your center piece. In the end, you invite them again next year.

3. No. I don't think that if Obama is elected, it will change the outcome of the Canadian election. Mainly because the Canadian election will be held a month before the American election.

I also feel strongly that Harper called the election before the American election because if John McCain wins, Canada is screwed regarding Arctic Sovereignty, and he needs a majority government to be able to do anything. And, if the Liberals win (highly unlikely), then he can wash his hands of any responsibility. Such is the bane of a minority government, you take all the responsibility for everything that your opposition wont let you do.

What about you? What do you think?


* I don't know why we're calling him Tido.... it just came to me. So highly unrepresentative of the actual guy

** Another thing I learned this weekend is that I can NOT shut up when it comes to Politics. It's sad and disgusting and I need to learn to just shut up!

*** I LOVE comments. Leave more.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ah,,, I fell in to the Trap..

Look at me, it's months away from the U.S. election and I'm involved in a smear campaign. I'm a self-hating smear campaigner.

Palin's family should really not be involved in the election process... although I wonder, if this were true in all senses of the words, if other candidates should be allowed to tote around their 2.5 children and their wives in Chanel. Interesting thought. Although I still contend that if you put out a public press release, regarding a familial situation, your personal (as a candidate) choice of semantics is up for public debate (re: "we're proud of her decision" implying that she had a choice, which you are then promising to go on and take the same choice form millions of women and girls in the same position).

Anyway, I think that for the most part, familial matters should be left out of the equation regarding the election process, and voting should be done based on issues and ideals. Not sure if that will ever happen in the greater scheme of things... we Canadians seem to do a good job. But that might be because our candidates give us enough superficial reasons to hate them without having to go beyond to their private lives.

Also, when you think about it, Palin was a good choice for VP. I mean, she has no foreign experience and has only spent nano-seconds on the national scene which is the entire campaign against Obama summed up in a republican running mate, but that aside. She's from Alaska. I keep hearing people say "Alaska? Why Alaska?" (i.e. Puff Daddy in one of his highly inarticulate Youtube videos. Note to him, it's hard to take you seriously as a politically active citizen when you drop the F-bomb every 20 seconds. I mean, I've been known to drop a few myself, but maybe limit it to the parts that you really want to emphasize, ya know?).

So, why NOT Alaska? It's a part of the United States... No?

Doesn't anyone ever wonder why the United States hung on to Alaska? I mean, it could have easily been annexed over to Canada.

It's because way way back, someone was really really smart and decided that Arctic Sovereignty would be a big deal some day. Well, that day is TODAY. Canada has been doing a lot of talking about it (relatively little action.... that's for YOU Mr. Harper. Bring back O'Connor)... Russia has launched submarines and planted flags, and even Denmark has engaged in a bit of capture the flag regarding a small island in the North***. And the States? They've barely mentioned it. Hmmm.... Why is that? How out of character for them to be mute on a subject of global importance.

Unless, Mr. McCain and his Republican advisers have figured it out. An Alaskan VP is just the ticket. They get in to office, and eventually start to drill for oil in the Alaskan wild refuge, which is the plan, and BAM... THEY were the first to drill IN the Arctic for Oil. Making them, the first country to expropriate a renewable resource from a land in the Arctic and use it for more than just a living space. Never mind the Northwest Territories of Canada, and Nunavut... They aren't "Using" the land. And just so you know, there most certainly IS an international treaty that states that if you are NOT using your land, a foreign country can come it and use it....

Interesting move Mr. McCain.... Interesting Move. I'm on to you though.

Unfortunately, I'm just a random blogger that no one really reads or listens to. And the current Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper is a douche bag who cut military funding to our Arctic Sovereignty Project.

Hilariously enough, I don't think that Dion, his opposition and their damned Green stance (good stance, bad time), would do much either. So I'm in a bit of a conundrum for this election, which has been called to take place a month before the American election with little to no pomp and circumstance. Hopefully whoever wins makes use of our Arctic property and absolute priority.

I say we boot them all out and make O'Connor (former Minister of National defense) PM of a Minority Government for 2-3 years.

***I'm referring to Hans Island, a 1.3 km island between Canada and Greenland. For a long time, Denmark would helicopter on over there, take the flag out and then put theirs in, securing arctic sovereignty...and then, 6 months later, Canada would helicopter over there and swap the flags, and the process would repeat. It's still unresolved although I think the flag war has declined or stopped. Forget world hunger... let's appropriate funds to play global capture the flag....


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm Getting a Make-Over!

My darling Twin brother has decided to undertake the aesthetics of my blog with his brand new Macbook. I want one soooo bad, but until 2011, when I might actually have a disposable income, I will have to live vicariously through him. So, expect that some time in the near future.

My Blog makeover has inspired me, and today I felt well enough to work out for a little bit. In light of being accused of having never been skinny in my life, by someone who has known me less than a year, I have felt compelled to prove him wrong. I've lost 3 kilos in a week due to being sick, so I was thinking that I'd try to keep that up with healthy eating and exercise.

So there I was with weights and music, and about to do some sit ups when I went into an enormous coughing fit on the floor. While lying there, I realized that I'm in Europe, and while the wine alone is enough of a reason to NOT diet, I live in the capital of cheese and chocolate. Forget this fitness crap... I'm getting fat. Being skinny is only acceptable in North America where the food sucks.

Speaking of Man Friend. He's pretty much MIA. I think that it's safe to count the Mountain excursion as our last (good) memory. He definitely came over last night to fix my laptop (Macbook SO needed). I'm not going to recount the entire distressing 2 hours of conversation, or rather lack there of, but I'll leave you with what he left me with:

Kate: "So... Do you think that you could be in a good mood next time I see you since I leave forever in a few weeks?"

M.F.: "Do you want me to force it?"

Kate: "Yes. I do. I'd like a nice memory to leave with"

M.F.: "It's better if you just remember me as a jerk"

M.F. exits.

Am I the only one who feels compelled to find some music to roll in the background of his dramatic exit? What the hell.

Maybe he found my blog.

This happens a lot with us. Every time it looks like it might be over for some reason, he acts like this for a week or two. And normally, that's cool because I'm in to having my own space too... but uh.... it's game day. I'm gone after this. There is no calling up and apologizing over a candle lit dinner this time.

I wonder how long until he realizes that....

On the plus side, this has given me the perfect emotional excuse to go and purchase a pair of brown leather boots that I have had my eye on for WEEKS. I LOVE them.... I will name them 'booties' and they will be mine...



According to John McCain's pick for Vice Prez IS, in fact, the legitimate mother to her fifth child, and not the grandmother as rumors permitted.

Her daughter (17 years old), is currently pregnant though.... Palin and her co-parent hubby said this:
we are... "proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family."

I marked the word "decision." Do you know why?

Because to come to a decision implies that you had a CHOICE. Interesting that your 17 year old daughter was given a choice that you would like to take away from so many other Americans...


Monday, September 1, 2008

Loves it When One Side of the Pancake is Buttered...

You've all heard Dr. Phil say it, and it's true. No matter how thin you make the pancake, there's always two sides. And I love election time, because both sides perpetually try to burn the other side to make their side look more golden-y brown ..... mmmm.... pancakes. I miss Canada.

Onwards and Upwards...

I recently received a remarkable example of this as a forward from a friend, and I gotta tell you... my overactive brain had a field day with it.... Now, keep in mind, I'm a democrat. However, I am expressing my bias openly, and up front. I am also capable of saying that no person or platform is perfect, and that both sides have their pro's and con's. But this article was poorly researched, poorly written and wreaking of more than a conservative bias, it was just out-right written to compel masses of conservative (Already conservative) Americans into turning their conservative beliefs into a fundamentalist attitude. So, here's the article, I'm going to dissect it one paragraph at a time.

Obama's Sordid Abortion Record: Opposed Protecting Live Born's
Sen. Barack Obama's pick of Sen. Joseph Biden, a pro-choice Catholic, will most certainly raise the abortion issue to a new level in the campaign. Obama's own record on abortion is steeped in controversy. Barack Obama not only has a perfect record in opposing pro-life legislation, he even fought against a bill protecting the right to life of a baby born alive.

1. "Obama's Sordid Abortion Record" --- Don't you mean Abortion Voting Record? Because last time I checked, having an abortion record of any kind would be impossible for Sen Obama. Furthermore, if you mean what it is that you've written, then someone has been snooping in private medical files which is a big No-No.

2. "Obama's own record is steeped in controversy..... perfect record of opposing pro-life legislation" --- uhhhh sounds pretty uncontroversial to me. Seems like he knows EXACTLY where he stands on the matter. What about those people who can't decide if they support or oppose something? hmmmmm?

By: Jim Meyers

- Dear Jim Meyers.... I think you're an Asshat. Strawman fallacy? * (when you attack the arguer instead of the argument) .... You Damn Right it is.

Sen. Barack Obama's pick of Sen. Joseph Biden, a pro-choice Catholic, will most certainly raise the abortion issue to a new level in the campaign.

There is NO issue to be raised, when you think about it. The United States Supreme Court has upheld the Roe v. Wade decision for a while now.... Not to get all technical, but since it is the Dem's ideal that is being supported by this ruling, it would actually be up to Republicans to "raise the issue"... which they have. A lot. And you know what has happened? Nothing, because the majority of Americans support it.... sorry, that's the way it works.

Obama's own record on abortion is steeped in controversy.

Like I said, Show me the controversy....

Barack Obama not only has a perfect record in opposing pro-life legislation, he even fought against a bill protecting the right to life of a baby born alive.

What he is referring to is the "Born Alive Act" which passes the Senate in 2002. I had to google this since the author gave us no other information but his own opinion and highly biased description of said act. This Act means that all life saving technology would be used on a fetus that was extricated from the uterus, with some life signs, POST Abortion. AKA the abortion was intended but didn't work, therefore, by default, the doctors had a responsibility to save the fetus's life.

So, what the author is suggesting is that ..... ummmm... I'm not really sure actually. It seems to be that HE is suggesting that the baby then grows up in the household of the person who tried to abort it.... OK, pro choice or Pro life, i think we can all agree that's not a good idea. So, maybe ... ummm.... foster care and adoption? Ok, that's reasonable. So... does the state pay for the medical care or the baby? Because I gotta tell you, failed abortions are probably going to include all kinds of health problems in the future... enough about that though...

What the author also doesn't mention, and this is a folly of Democratic authors also, is how the legislation process works. Bills, all bills go through a reading process. There is the first reading to introduce the bill and then there is the second reading where the bill is debated. You can debate the wording of the bill, and argue that there is an inherent difficulty in the implementation of the bill due to wording, and possible future ramifications WITHOUT opposing the fundamental ideal. I think that we can all reasonably agree that Sen. Obama is not for the deliberate killing of babies as this article would let you believe. Instead, he probably saw that there were MASSIVE problems with the implementation of such a bill under the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, also, sorry guys but your health care system, in the disarray that it is would never be able to support such a bill... there would be deficit in your future... oh wait....

Author David Freddoso chronicles Obama's radical pro-abortion record in his best-selling book "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate."

- There is NO SUCH THING AS PRO ABORTION. I hate when people use this term. I can't think of a single person that I know that feels that abortion is the only option to every pregnancy in the world. It's called pro-choice. As in, someone should be able to have the CHOICE. It's awesome if you don't choose abortion. I'm pro-choice and I really admire the friends that I have that undertook the journey of having a child when it was perhaps not so opportune a time. But I gotta tell you, those women are comforted during the hard times by knowing that they had a choice. They made their choice themselves and now they are going to do right by their choice.

[Editor's Note: Get "The Case Against Barack Obama" with our FREE offer – Click Here Now.]

- If this isn't conservative propaganda... I don't know what is. Can someone please send me a link to offer a free book about John McCain and his problems?? Just to even the playing field....seriously.

In March 2001, a bill was introduced in the Illinois Senate, where Obama was then serving, that stated in part: "A live child born as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law."

The bill came following an investigation of a Chicago-area hospital that left babies born alive to die without medical care.

"This bill was not an abortion law," Freddoso writes. "It did not confer any right or legal status upon any baby not yet born. This bill had no legal conflicts with Roe v. Wade … Born and living survivors of abortion would be unambiguously considered 'persons.' Medically, scientifically, empirically, they were no different from the many premature babies who are born in American hospitals each year."

- If this isn't an abortion law, Mr. Author. Then can you please tell me what it is doing in your article about Obamas' VOTING RECORD ON ABORTION.... Ya, thanks.

-P.S. I read the Act and its proposed versions and it most certainly does use language that, once passed can be used to make the case about unborn fetus' being persons and thus disrupt Roe vs. Wade.... so in your opinion... IS IT or ISN'T IT... because I'm not quite sure what it is that you believe at this point.

Nevertheless, Sen. Obama spoke against the bill on the Senate floor.

-Like I said, Bills require a careful examination of Grey area, language and potential future implications. I'm sure that we can all see that this bill had some problematic areas in all three. I mean, I'm not for infanticide, I'm pretty much about letting babies live, however this bill and it's wording did not protect babies so much as it left a gapping Grey hole for them......

He was the only senator to do so.

- But he was NOT the only senator to vote against the bill....

Arguing against the bill, Obama declared: "This is probably not going to survive constitutional scrutiny. Number one, whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or other elements in the Constitution, what we're really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to … a nine-month-old child that was delivered to term. That determination, then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place … This would be an anti-abortion statute."

- Ummm..... So he just gave you his exact reason for NOT voting in favor of the bill...

According to Freddoso, Obama's stance disregarded language in the bill that clearly stated it applied only to babies that have already been born.

Yes well, he obviously didn't have a problem with that language, just the language that he said he had a problem with. So, if it is not an Anti-abortion statute, like you claim, what's the problem with amending the language to reflect his, and many other senators concerns that it may be influential as such in the future. Sounds to me like they are just being thorough and protecting and upholding a supreme court decision that has been upheld by the majority of American people for a while now....

-I personally like my politicians to be thorough...

Obama voted "present" on the bill. It passed the Senate, but later died in a House committee.

-WHOA WHOA WHOA, so what you're saying is that he didn't even vote AGAINST THE BILL?? WHAAAT??

In 2002, the legislation was reintroduced in three separate bills. Obama voted against the two bills that received a vote and, once again, spoke in opposition on the Senate floor.

Obama also has opposed restrictions on partial-birth abortion, a late-term abortion that kills a partially delivered living fetus and is considered by some to be tantamount to infanticide.

- I have no comment on that, I don't know the wording of this legislation or what he was thinking, but if the bills pass or fail by majority than the American government is doing it's job....No?

Freddoso writes: "Obama has also voted 'present' (again, effectively a 'no' vote) on requiring parental notification (not parental consent) when minor children obtain abortions…

-I'm sorry but how is refusing to vote for something effectively a 'No' vote? Voting NO is effectively a no vote.

"I could find no instance in his entire career in which he voted for any regulation or restriction on the practice of abortion."

-OK, so what we know for sure is that Obama is Pro Choice.... Got it.

Freddoso also quotes conservative columnist Terence P. Jeffrey: "Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion presidential candidate ever."

-Pro CHOICE you asshat.

And if elected, he would likely become the most pro-abortion president ever. In July 2007, Obama spoke before the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and said: "The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act."

I want to believe that the American public will not be confused by this obvious change of rhetoric. I really really want to believe that.

Freddoso observes: "This bill would effectively cancel every state, federal, and local regulation of abortion, no matter how modest or reasonable. It would even, according to the National Organization of Women, abolish all state restrictions on government funding for abortions….

- So, what you're saying is that Obama is going to sign a bill that UPHOLDS a Supreme Court decision thirty years old. Roe Vs. Wade (and Doe Vs Bolton- the lesser known decision of the same time) was made in 1973. It's 35 YEARS OLD. And Guess what... Roe Vs Wade actually did that... it already canceled state restrictions on abortion. So he's signing a bill that just legislates a supreme court decision. Isn't this an example of the all powerful check and balances system that I was taught in school? Because if it's not, I need to go back to grade 4.

- I also want to take this moment to point out that the Supreme Court Judges decided that out-lawing abortion was in violation of constitutional privacy (found under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment).
So, if I used the Authors logic where A=C and B=C therefore, A+B= C squared.... Then Obama is really just upholding the United States Constitution by opposing the Born Alive Act, and those that didn't aren't. Of course I'm NOT saying that because I know better than to over simplify an obviously complicated process. I'm just giving an example of how messed up the logic behind this article is.

"In promising to sign this bill, Obama is promising to abolish state laws that protect doctors and nurses from losing their jobs if they refuse to participate in abortions. He is promising to abolish requirements for parental notification and informed consent for mothers who consider the procedure…

So, he's supporting Roe. Vs. Wade as well as following through on his own voting record. Interesting.... I think I see the problem. His consistency is confusing the American Public. They aren't used to consistent politicians.

"Politicians' promises are often empty, but this one deserves to be taken seriously."

In conclusion, I'd like to point out that this article lacked the following:
1. The actual NAME of the bill for which they were condemning Obama for abstaining from voting
2. The background and year of Roe vs. Wade
3. McCain's voting record and stance on abortion
4. any cohesive or sound logic at all.

I'd also like the say that I think that Obama got it right in his acceptance of the Dem nomination speech, which I'm guessing the authors of this little diddy didn't watch, when he said: "We may not agree on the abortion issue, but I think that we can agree on reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country..." Education is the key my friends, education is the key.

P.S. Dear Authors... I'd really like to hear what it is you have to say about the Vice President hopeful Palin and the rumors of her secretly raising her 16 year old daughters son as her own. Interesting solution to avoiding abortion while simultaneously ensuring that her political career isn't disrupted.

Can anyone else think of someone who was raised by his grandmother thinking it was his mother?

I can! Ted Bundy. And I gotta tell you, it didn't work out too well for him...

PPS. You're welcome to send me other articles, even Democratic ones. I'm pretty much this cynical and argumentative with everything.