This past week has shuffled in many upon many activists in to my city. All claiming, nay shouting ferociously for a boycott on Bejing in the face of the Olympics based on the whole Tibet-fiasco. I have to say here that freedom of speech is my favorite of all the freedoms that I am privy to... however, I have a few gripes with activism.
I think it's great and it's a great outlet for common social frustrations when it's peaceful however I feel strongly that people should know what it is that they are protesting about. Let's start with Tibet shall we?
Chinas side: Tibet has always and will always be a part of Chinese territory
Tibet's side: No, That's totally erroneous. They are a totally different ethnic and cultural entity. Always have been, always will be. Love it or Leave it..pref. Leave it.
The stance of some activists, including those who sloppily stuck the Tibetan flag on their bumper sticker: "Free TIBET! Give Tibet their INDEPENDENCE"
The stance of the Dali Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet (and Tibetan Buddhism) and more notably, good chum to Richard Gere: He asks for AUTONOMY for Tibet, not independence. He asks that he be allowed to head the parliament as a spiritual leader but remain under the jurisdiction or Chinese authority… like a dominion almost… like a Canada where the Queen actually exercises right to rule.
Do you see where there is a disjunct in the knowledge sharing? Where maybe the activists on the ground are not totally in tune with the cause that they have oh so nobly decided to champion? Because, here in lies my issue with activists.
Now here's a mind bender for you: Imagine Utah asking for governing autonomy from the united states… Imagine the Mormon Polygamist Sects rising together and asking foreign leaders to help protect their religious freedom rights and govern themselves according to their doctrine. How d'ya feel about them apples?
Next: speaking of passive protests… which we all know aren't always the case: Case in point, I had a friend in my first year of university who was arrested for chaining his own neck to the fences of the British embassy in protest of George W.'s visit. ……but y'know… isn't it nice when a group of people come together in an act of solidarity and show their disapproval for something while standing peacefully side by side? Ya, it's great… let's take a second and look at the forefather of peaceful protests and pacifists actions: Nelson Mandela.
Oh Nelson. He's a good man. No one can deny it. Oprah said it was an ominous experience standing in his presence… and if Oprah is wow'd, I can only imagine I would be too. But let's take a second to take a look at the actions behind the pacifism. The reason that for some reason THIS MANs unjust imprisonment and passive hunger strikes were headline news worlds over…when the other 175,000 inmates who claim innocence every second are un heard. Let's look at the woman behind the man: his first wife: Winnie Mandela. Whaddya want out of the first wife of Nelson Mandela?
I'm thinking empowered speeches… Martin Luther King Jr styles… I'm seeing visions of a strong and beautiful woman single handedly crusading in all available media outlets for the release of her beloved husband.
WRONG. Girl was out setting people on fire. She ("allegedly") ran with a group of thugs that would kidnap, torture and set alight in the form of burning necklaces (when you douse a car tire in gas and stand the person in the middle and set it ablaze). She forced a nation to stand behind her husbands cause through fear of what would happen if they didn't. She even said in a speech which, I can only assume was intended to entice excitement for her cause, rather than fear in her enemies (I like to give people the benefit of the doubt): "with our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country".
Oh ya and in the post Apartheid government, she was even given an appointment… but fired not even a year later when she was accused of corruption… hmmm…sounds so out of character for this woman. She's not even allowed in Canada to this day... Canada! I mean, Canada lets anyone visit. A lot of people consider her the "Mother of the Nation." And, you just can't forget that almost every country in and out of Africa has blood on its hands but… maybe we should think about the other fractions of history that go into the making of such a notable and historical ledgend such as Nelson Mandela who was imprisoned form 1963 until 1990…. Interestingly enough, Winnie and Nelson were married until 1996. …. Just some food for thought.
As a small side note and afterthought: I can see the sirens calling to the sailors here for someone to seriously condemn my even questioning the amazing and beautiful nature of Nelson Mandela, and I want to pre-emptively say that I am not. I'm just saying that sometimes it's not a one man journey to righteousness... sometimes there are other factors at play which promote or deter that rise to the platform of the righteous, with or without their consent, or conscious knowledge. But, I can't help but wonder what people would say if the roles were reversed... what is Mother Theresa had a boyfriend who owned or sat on the board of a capitalistic corporate entity which employed the same children that she helped feed in a nasty sweat shop. Would people be as quickly to separate the two as individuals, or would the actions of the female be wholly undermined by the actions of her male companion.... (Blasphemy AND politics all in one post!). Also, I'd like to note that Nelson Mandelas current wife is one of my idols... if for no other reason that to slightly redeem myself in the eyes of
Oh, and it's widely acknowledged that Ghandi beat his wife. (Redemption taken away)
Coming soon, from Pixar…
8 years ago
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