Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama Has Done It!

He did it. He finally did it. He won me over. At least his speech writer did, but his deliverance was charismatic and eloquent in a way that not many people can deliver.

I've often talked about his lack of experience, but his ideas are fresh, and we can't discount the combined years of experience of his advisers. I like him. I have to say it: I like him a lot. And, I would be proud to have him as the next president of the United States. Of course, I'm Canadian so it's not really something that I can be proud of per say...but still.*

I can't even do his speech justice, which fell on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King's speech... the one involving a dream, heard of it? If you haven't seen his speech, I strongly recommend Youtubing it. He had the class and character about himself, his party and even his opponent that inspires me.

That being said, I received a little comment the other day regarding my last uber American political post that I would like to address. Before all is said, I have to say that the writer is a personal friend of mine. I have nothing but the utmost respect for him, and I find his perspective as a black man refreshing in my white washed life, in which we are both immigrants to a new nation. However, if you don't know him, and you read his comment, it might seem like he's an asshat. So let's address that.

This is the comment:

Well... first I have to say, that I agree... there are way too many people being phony/fake in this real-ass world... and to be honest, I have no time for them, except for “hello!!!” and more importantly “BYE!!!!!!”
Yet... as a black man and closet feminist (though I'm working my way out) I have to comment on Barack & Hillary (for that matter)... The 'White Man’s House' as I like to call it has very little to do with actual politics (politics meaning what it should and not what it is) but more to do with big brother and a high price fashion show and/or popularity contest.... It's has been that way since the fuckers wrote the constitution... And those with "real politics" who have an actual opinion and express it, they get shot and "6 feet under" real quick like... (ie. Kennedy and M. King....)

what’s my point??? Am I another fanatic just talking shit????... (maybe...) but there is something to people voting strictly because it's a woman or a black man... I wanted to see either of them in the WHITE MAN’s HOUSE because it's never been that way before... and it’s because of the bullshit people/aliens (heh) behind the scenes, also the same shit we all seem to except, because it’s in the paper or on the news.
So... since its always been a white man in THE WHITE MANs HOUSE regardless of politics... why not blindly vote for a white woman or black man, we have been doing the same for white men all of our lives... So if that “black man” is talking about going to war (which always happens) or that “white woman” is talking cheaper taxes (which never happens) WTF!!!! They have all just been puppets, that don’t mean anything they say anyways…..
So…. To conclude…. What is my end point??? Maybe if your Irish ass ever dates a black man or white woman (lovezzzz it), maybe give them a chance….. They might just have something behind that useless thought….

1. There is nothing closet feminist about you, Random (if, in fact that is your real name...) You're full out feminist. Learn it, Love it, Deal with it.

2. Uhhh The White House has nothing to do with politics? Hmm.... Let's take a quick second and google the term, shall we?

1.the science or art of political government.
2.the practice or profession of conducting political affairs.
3.political affairs: The advocated reforms have become embroiled in politics.
4.political methods or maneuvers: We could not approve of his politics in winning passage of the bill.
5.political principles or opinions: We avoided discussion of religion and politics. His politics are his own affair.
6.use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or control, as in business, university, etc.
7.(initial capital letter, italics) a treatise (4th century b.c.) by Aristotle, dealing with the structure, organization, and administration of the state, esp. the city-state as known in ancient Greece.

Perhaps not number 7 or 5, but the White House most certainly stands for numbers 1-4, and 6. Hmmm... seems cohesive to me. Perhaps you mean transparency in politics. And if so, then I agree with you. This is what I often say intrigues me about African politics, the blatant transparency. Every country has the politics you see and the politics that you don't. In Africa, I find that they don't really care if what you see is decrepit and corrupt... and they don't do too much to hide it. Whereas, in the states and Canada, we're big fans of acting diplomatic and then sending unmarked snipers into a country. Or, trading their votes on one important issue for assurance that their own legislation will see the light of day. Sneaky Sneaky, but that's why politics are interesting; they aren't always pretty.

3. Ummmm Kennedy was NOT about real politics, at least not the way you describe it. He was from the most high priced political families, and he used his office to have an affair with Marylin Monroe. We idolize him because he was shot. Not saying he wasn't a very nice chap, but seriously... can someone tell me what it was that he did? (His wife also influenced fashion for decades...see every fashion line of brought up fashion, not me... )And M. King was a civil rights leader... not a politician, although he did influence political decisions for decades...

4. Are you suggesting that voting for someone based on gender or color is the best way to go, because really in the end it doesn't mean anything anyways because you're a giant conspiracy theorist and you think that they aren't the ones in charge in the first place? Interesting, Random, interesting. I'm still a big fan of voting on the issues, although I have been known to throw down the strategic vote if I'm not a fan of any of the proposed responses to the issues. However, I think that comedic GENIUS Tina Fey summed it up best on this point when she said: "Isn't it great that we have come so far since the feminist movement, and gaining the right to vote that we don't feel that we have to vote for someone simply because she's a woman? Instead, we vote for who Oprah tells us to (Obama)."

5. Ummm I never said that I thought anyone had a useless thought. I was ALL about Hillary and now, in the wake of hers' and Bills' urging, and Obama's amazing speech, I am ALL about Obama. CHANGE!!! And I have dated a black man, and a brown man... take THAT, I'm like the freaking United Nations of Ex-boyfriends.

In conclusion, you are not an asshat, Random. Instead, you are a bitter and jaded individual, but that aside, and more importantly, you are right. A lot of people feel the same way as you do. So let's shake things up America.... VOTE OBAMA!

(If he gets in, I think he should have a congratulatory BBQ at the White House...)

*CNN's 'the campaign trail' has the BEST commercial about how their special correspondent knows American politics like only a Canadian can. I love it.

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