Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ah,,, I fell in to the Trap..

Look at me, it's months away from the U.S. election and I'm involved in a smear campaign. I'm a self-hating smear campaigner.

Palin's family should really not be involved in the election process... although I wonder, if this were true in all senses of the words, if other candidates should be allowed to tote around their 2.5 children and their wives in Chanel. Interesting thought. Although I still contend that if you put out a public press release, regarding a familial situation, your personal (as a candidate) choice of semantics is up for public debate (re: "we're proud of her decision" implying that she had a choice, which you are then promising to go on and take the same choice form millions of women and girls in the same position).

Anyway, I think that for the most part, familial matters should be left out of the equation regarding the election process, and voting should be done based on issues and ideals. Not sure if that will ever happen in the greater scheme of things... we Canadians seem to do a good job. But that might be because our candidates give us enough superficial reasons to hate them without having to go beyond to their private lives.

Also, when you think about it, Palin was a good choice for VP. I mean, she has no foreign experience and has only spent nano-seconds on the national scene which is the entire campaign against Obama summed up in a republican running mate, but that aside. She's from Alaska. I keep hearing people say "Alaska? Why Alaska?" (i.e. Puff Daddy in one of his highly inarticulate Youtube videos. Note to him, it's hard to take you seriously as a politically active citizen when you drop the F-bomb every 20 seconds. I mean, I've been known to drop a few myself, but maybe limit it to the parts that you really want to emphasize, ya know?).

So, why NOT Alaska? It's a part of the United States... No?

Doesn't anyone ever wonder why the United States hung on to Alaska? I mean, it could have easily been annexed over to Canada.

It's because way way back, someone was really really smart and decided that Arctic Sovereignty would be a big deal some day. Well, that day is TODAY. Canada has been doing a lot of talking about it (relatively little action.... that's for YOU Mr. Harper. Bring back O'Connor)... Russia has launched submarines and planted flags, and even Denmark has engaged in a bit of capture the flag regarding a small island in the North***. And the States? They've barely mentioned it. Hmmm.... Why is that? How out of character for them to be mute on a subject of global importance.

Unless, Mr. McCain and his Republican advisers have figured it out. An Alaskan VP is just the ticket. They get in to office, and eventually start to drill for oil in the Alaskan wild refuge, which is the plan, and BAM... THEY were the first to drill IN the Arctic for Oil. Making them, the first country to expropriate a renewable resource from a land in the Arctic and use it for more than just a living space. Never mind the Northwest Territories of Canada, and Nunavut... They aren't "Using" the land. And just so you know, there most certainly IS an international treaty that states that if you are NOT using your land, a foreign country can come it and use it....

Interesting move Mr. McCain.... Interesting Move. I'm on to you though.

Unfortunately, I'm just a random blogger that no one really reads or listens to. And the current Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper is a douche bag who cut military funding to our Arctic Sovereignty Project.

Hilariously enough, I don't think that Dion, his opposition and their damned Green stance (good stance, bad time), would do much either. So I'm in a bit of a conundrum for this election, which has been called to take place a month before the American election with little to no pomp and circumstance. Hopefully whoever wins makes use of our Arctic property and absolute priority.

I say we boot them all out and make O'Connor (former Minister of National defense) PM of a Minority Government for 2-3 years.

***I'm referring to Hans Island, a 1.3 km island between Canada and Greenland. For a long time, Denmark would helicopter on over there, take the flag out and then put theirs in, securing arctic sovereignty...and then, 6 months later, Canada would helicopter over there and swap the flags, and the process would repeat. It's still unresolved although I think the flag war has declined or stopped. Forget world hunger... let's appropriate funds to play global capture the flag....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. What is your position on Harper's relationship with Bush? Also, do you think that if Obama is elected that it will effect the outcome of Canada's election?