Tuesday, October 14, 2008

To Guda!

Today was a glorious, glorious day. Not because it was the Canadian thanksgiving, not because we had mounds of food and not because I got to throw twin brother an impromptu graduation party.


Today was glorious because it was the much anticipated seasons premiere of Samantha Who?.

Christina applegate slays me. Mostly because I act like her recently out of comatose character on a daily basis and I don't have amnesia....


Jenna came over for the festivity and much cranberry wine was had. So much, in fact, that I almost split a spleen laughing at the movie She's the man, with Amanda Bynes (who also slays me).

What did I find so funny, you ask? Well! On an awkward first date scene, the hot man meat that is the lead actor asks his date if she likes cheese.


This happened to me on an awkward and horrible first date with a swiss banker in zurich.

Honestly, he asked me if I liked cheese. Like as a conversation starter: "So.... do you like cheese?"


I still tell this story at parties, because I'm a bitch, and I always follow it up with: "man! I couldn't make this up if I tried..."

But apparently the writers of Disney movies can............ Which I found, and still find, unusually hi-lar-i-ous!!!

Poor jenna.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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