Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Voting Day

............My most favorite of all of the holidays.

Wait........ it's not a holiday?

Then why wasn't I at work today?

Oh that's right... it's because I'm still unemployed.


Anyway, today is the Canadian voting day, and right after I finish my cocktail, I'm going to walk up to my old elementary school (which my parents still live around the corner from) and vote for BARAK OBAMA...

........Wait.........What do you mean he's not running in the Canadian election?!

I LIVE in Canada, and I've definitely seen him on TV more than any of the other candidates in the last 37 days.......

Oh.... I understand, that's just because we care more about the American election than our own. No worries.

So, now I have a conundrum. If Obama is out, then who should I vote for?

Stephen Harper... leader of the conservatives. I think he's a total douche and his social policy makes me want to cry for the last 50 years of social progress that we've made. His economic policy is tempting to anyone who makes over 100 G's a year. I'm unemployed. He's the only one that has a fighting chance at guaranteeing Canadians Arctic Sovereignty... which I feel strongly about.....sooo there's a plus for him....a very small plus that is greatly over shadowed by his comparing gay marriage to beasiality. The MP in my area for his party....well... I don't know her but she lost to Belinda Stronach a lotta years ago and...........well..........old rivalries die hard.
*love you Belinda*

Stephen Dion: Leader of the Liberals. I love the libs. Dion makes me want to cry for the state of our party. His social policy and economic policy revolvs around Green Party policy which makes me ask: HEY.... if we have a party dedicated to this, and they've only ever gotten one chair in our parliment then maybe Canadians aren't so hot on the idea.....DUH.
The MP running in the area: Love him. But I can't stand his boss.... tough call.

Jack Layton......... I am not on welfare nor am I barefoot and pregnant, so I will not be voting for him.

Green Party. I hate to say it.... and Jayz loves to hear it BUT....... I might just have to vote for them. I care about the environment, and I don't consider it a wasted vote to exercise our parliment in the pluralist fashion in which it was born.
I do not feel that a major party like the liberals should have a Green Shift platform at this time, despite my concern for the environment....and I think that voting for the green party sends a message: I care about trees, but I don't want my prime minister to be hugging them.... Dear Dion: Get a grip.



I don't think many people will agree with me.

Ofcourse, I wont know exactly what it is that I will do until I get to the polls. So, because of my conundrum.... I will be drinking a few pommegranite martinis, and then making my way up there, where I will fight with an important desicion that effects my country's future, while suprressing horrible memories of elemntary school and that butchy soft ball playing girl that used to taunt me for liking Barbies after I was 10 years old.



1 comment:

Daddy Papersurfer said...

I read this and then started reading the rules .... and then re-read this and then actually read all the rules. Everything seems crystal clear now.

May I have a pint of Guinness please? ....... and a packet of crisps [you might say chips - I'm not that good at Canadian]