Sunday, October 26, 2008

We Had a Makeover!!

This is a temporary solution until I get a new website up and running. If anyone has any suggestions on the actual making of this supposed site for those of us that are less technically inclined, please let me know!

I think the pink is a little too much, no?

I'm sorry that I haven't been around a lot, but that's going to change.

1. I was offered a job and am in current negotiations regarding said job. It's my dreammmm job. I want it- I want it - I want it. Gimme Gimme Gimme.

Kate, how will gaining employment make you more dedicated up actually updating when you didn't do anything during your unemployed times...

Well, blogger, I'm glad you asked. This job isn't the typical 9-5 business. I get to be all erratic and random, and sometimes even work from home. This means: More blog and possibly even re-writing and finishing my book. Yippee.

2. I signed up to an online dating site, because Robert was having such a hilarious time and getting so many dates (because he's gay, and there seems to be a disjunct in how one applies one concept to the gay world and the straight world) that I thought: "Gee.... Kate... You just got back from Europe, if there's any time that you have a decent excuse to be all online dating, it's now" So, I joined, and told myself that it would provide a really good inspiration for some blogging and writing.

I was right/wrong. So far my blackberry has been inundated with messages from said dating site, most of which contain a simple "hi"..... seriously. Did you just make me erase a message from my phone, go to my computer, look it up and log in, thus telling other users that I am around, just to see the word: "hi"? If a guy said that to my face, in a bar... I would walk away. Unless he handed me a martini at the same time.

There were a few interesting messages. One guy promised me a powerfree struggle in a relationship as he wanted an "alpha female".... I asked what made him think I was an alpha female. He never responded. Hilariously enough, I am. But, after Man Friend.... I like a little power struggle in a relationship.

And finally, the last straw, I received a message form a nice bloke who dropped that he was in the 911 industry (interesting, establishing an automatic trust by using a man in uniform, without any guarantee that he in fact, is one). Then he invited me to Germany AND Aruba.... on him. We all know that I like to be taken care of BUT........... skeettttchy.

Unless I'm wanting inspirtation for a serial killer series... I can't see how this online dating site is going to help me with this blog.

And that aside, I'm still dating J4. I mean, I don't do the whole exclusive thing unless it's super serious. And, I'm not ready for the super serious right now, henceforth I will not be doing the exclusive thing.... but still.... I think that since I have a real live person, I shouldn't be dabbling in the virtual side.

J4 has been good for me. I like having him around. He's the exact opposite of Man Friend. Where MF would fly off the handle for anything due to his experiencing extreme emotions, and intensity, J4 doesn't get fazed by anything..........annnything... really.

I get excited when he seems to get a little bit annoyed about something... because I've never seen him look happy, or sad, or mad. Never. And I've known him since kindergarten. Albeit, not well, but still....

Any suggestions on how I can illicit an emotion from him? Because, yes, I seem to think that it's appropriate to try to poke and prode someone until they exhibit an extreme emotion....when what I supposedly like about him is his lack there of.

Freud, can you hear me?


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