Monday, September 29, 2008

Update Pt. 2

I felt that this was too funny not to share.

This is the email to my mother, MammaKav.... regarding my airport pick up time...

hey it's your darling daughter...........
I'll be arriving at 2 05 pm, your time tomorrow.
I like roses, but a welcome home bouquet of any type of flower will suffice.... I suppose. Except for carnations, what a hideous flower*...And please, this time... try to keep the banners to a minnimum. Nothing flashy or glittering... it's so embarassing.**I also accept diamonds as a welcome home present... as well as cash, cheque or money order...(just so you know)***

Also, I met this awesome troupe of happy people in the airport today while showing H. off..... I'm going to bring them home with me. They were dressed as indians and singing and dancing..... Hare Krishna.... heard of them? Please make up 5 extra beds for my new friends.... (joking).****
Can't WAIT to see you!!! The weather in Paris is gorgeous but I am SOO sick of dealing with their police officers.... long story, I'll tell you in the car. (no, I was not arrested)*****
Love you Muchos.

* The last time my parents got me flowers was my fifth grade play, Bye Bye Birdie. I have since gone to Europe twice and graduated two university degrees..... so this is unlikely
** Banners..... Slightly more unlikely than the flowers. Banners with glitter.... slightly more unlikely than hell freezing over.
*** If flowers and banners are unlikely..... then really.... must I make another analogy? I think not.
**** I think that this was her second biggest fear... me joining a cult. The first being me running off and getting married. Priorities.
***** Please see the third post from this one for further details

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